Critical of people, theory and ideas (Ni) and will be executing unnecessary measures and destroying systems (Te). Ti hero may be looked as seeking "absolute truth". ; he seems 9w8 until the plot where he goes al Theyre never not thinking because of Ti Hero. They are insecure and worried about how other people feel, and how they're seen through the eyes of other people. So yeah, whatever. So anyway, tomorrow is the final video of the 16 personalities series where we will be discussing the INFP also known as the dreamer. They suddenly don't care if they're making someone feel good, they only care about making themselves feel good. 32 notes Sep 24th, 2019. If Im being completely honest with myself, I cant reorganize them and be comfortable with the explanation. So what you do to solve that problem is that you criticize them, you criticize them for not wanting anything, and you give them options, options of what they can want. Even if you think you already know, you always give Ti Hero its day in court. And INTPs know that with Ti Hero, so theyre burning other people, breathing, fire on them, with their Ti Hero, Im going to tell the truth and burn you away. 1910 Thomes Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82001. Yeah, no, actually the rest of the world is screwed up. Learn how your comment data is processed. They tend to repress it. Positive sides of Se: INTPs are able to enjoy the present moment. In the same way, ISTPs beat me every time because Ti Heros logic is, its fantastic when compared to a Ti parent, although Ti parent is pretty nasty, a Ti hero just takes the cake with its absolute dominance of anything logic. So there is some use to the super ego. They love exploring new theories and ideas, which means they're often responsible for amazing discoveries in their field of choice. So just make sure that if youre going to share your thoughts, that youve spent a lot of time on it and a lot of research and you have the evidence and the facts to back up what youre saying and then itll be no problem. Because I have and it typically doesnt, but I could be superfluous and think it makes sense. They should try to express themselves in a more logical manner around INTPs, as this will help them to be more easily understood. So its like, okay, you know, again, if Im going to do the time, I may as well do the crime. Worries about reading / managing other's feelings. So I get it, Im just as bad if not worse than my fellow NTPs. There is people who will understand you. I dont know. But it is a struggle INTPs have or NTPs in general. So why would I want to be just like them and have credentials when I already believed theyre idiots and I can prove that theyre idiots. Thatd be nice. Another way to motivate them is with Ti Hero, they hugely gets super mega competitive and only have to do is just pit them against somebody else and say to the INTP that that other person is smarter than them because their Te Nemesis cant believe that someone else smarter than them. The following is the most up-to-date information related to What do you think. And then after they do, they realize that they should thank you for kicking them out of the house. Shadow: Basically your dual if we're going by OP's definition, ENTJ for us. Ti is about understanding. So were just going to go over here. They'll try to find the source of their negative feelings and will either enact negative feelings onto themselves or to get back at the other person. So the four sides of the mind. Let's look at a few more INFP vs. ISFP tendencies to help you tell them apart, and . Well, I mean, lets talk about my coworker again. And because he was stuck in that side of his mind, he became very destructive. Hey guys, its CS Joseph with, doing the next video for the 16 personalities series according to the Jungian Analytical Psychology. Healthy use of Si child in INTPs would be reflecting on past experiences and past mistakes to guide through the present and the future, to not make the same mistake again. That would be like telling an INTP or an INFP that theyre the most disloyal people on the planet. Season 02 How to type yourself and others, Season 04 How intimate relationships actually work, Season 05 Jungian Cognitive Synchronicity. They will be stubborn when Te is enforcing rules on you, questioning the logic and reasoning behind their rules. One of my most favorite types because I am an NTP as well. In the CSJ videos he already has a superego personality picked out for each of the 16 personalities. And then we just get these labels and its like, okay, okay. There is an INTP friend of mine that I knew his wife, um, she was an INJ. (8) Season 07 - Virtue & Vice (21) So what that looks like, the INTP just goes in full on super rage mode, like, like Super Saiyan and Im not talking like Goku rage. And they can instantly bring anything up like that and solve a problem on the fly, immediately. Because INTPs loved storytell. In order for the two to communicate well, they must work to understand the other. And thats not actually how wisdom works. I mean its Ti Hero. If youre just going to randomly blurt out your thoughts, Te Nemesis will get engaged. This ESFJ subconscious are all about caring for other people, caring for the family, do it from the sense of duty, a sense of honor, sense of loyalty to their family, to their community, to their job, to, to whatever theyre doing, whatever they represent. Because the INTP already had experienced that person so that theyre able to use their, Ne Parent prescient to start anticipating the behaviors of the people around them. Te nemesis: INTPs fifth function. Vote 0 Come on guys. You want to make the Fe Inferior. INTPs drop things all the time. Screw these people. Its not aware of the sound coming out of your mouth unless youre looking directly at them face to face, engaging with them directly hitting their Si Child, right? Youre just wrong, so dont and well, Im smarter than him in these ways and you know, and like, okay, yeah, yeah, maybe if you, if youre talking about Se ways you know, mechanical awareness, fine, but you still have to give Ti Hero its day in court. I told you so. Chase: So whos right? Chase: If youre being pushed into your insecurities, you can get super defensive, negative, and youre pushing your subconscious not at-will and it becomes a very negative experience for you and everyone around you. This creates a safe space for both types to recharge when they need to. INTP and ISFP are on their way home from a road trip. The simple, the obvious bores them and anything they see as trivial or unimportant will be pushed away. . So its INTPs after awhile they start looking for novelty. Now people can get over their insecurity, and that gives them, or they can be pushed deep into their insecurity. (may be superficial, but it would take a while for you to read all, so it will be a bit simplified - so forgive for the inaccuracies and superficiality), The function roles: Hero (is heroic with this function), Parent (is responsible with this function), Child (is childish with this function), Inferior (is insecure/aspirational with this function), Nemesis (is worrisome with this function), Critic (is critical with this function), Trickster (is unaware with this function), Demon (is corrupted/demonic with this function), INTP: Ti hero, Ne parent, Si child, Fe inferior, Te nemesis, Ni critic, Se trickster, Fi demon. They feel like they dont deserve good things in their life because theyre so critical towards their self-worth. So youre basically four human beings in one, and a lot of people dont understand that. between these two types based on the INTP's ENTJ id, ISFP superego and ESFJ super-id and the INTJ's ENTP id, ISFJ superego and ESFP super-id, as I believe it would change the whole game bias . I spend most of my day writing messages out then deleting Press J to jump to the feed. Thats why credentials exist. Not that thats a bad thing because the negativity, like it comes with a warning. Uh, you know, its like when, when INTPs are offered, uh, um, you know, because theyre so brilliant, they get like honorary degrees or a, um, you know, big time credentials offered to them scholarships, whatever. What does INTP stand for? I had this coworker whos an INTP and hed tell the same stories about him in the air force over and over and over and over for over a period of three years, I would listen to the same stories of him in the air force. As many have attempted before, if you pay attention to world history, in ancient times, according to their legends of course. I dont care what you think about that. You know, like something like that because it forces the Si Child to have duty. All Content Copyright 2021 CSJ Ventures LLC But instead I guess, I guess were Autistic, right? Example: ESxPs instead of providing reasons why they're right, they'll go ape shit and yell. This subreddit is for all who are interested in the Jungian INTP personality type. depressed from wanting to learn everything, help. She didnt even know how to drive. They are driving down a long stretch of road with the occasional passing car. But having your inferior function is much rarer. You have to understand that INTPs are not like these soulless machines that they are constantly accused of. Si is also, in broad terms, relating past experiences with present. Because of Ti hero, INTPs tend to be very observant, analytical and logical. Handles personal principles. isfp - esfj . So if you found this video to be helpful or educational, please leave a like and subscribe. So theyre usually using their extraverted intuition parent in a negative way before they use it in a positive way. Because I began to type myself using temperaments and interaction styles instead of, and other people as well, instead of relying on the test. And if I was going to a nickname and INTP Id definitely call them vanilla or Yo-plait play as well. And Ill tell you how in a minute. You prefer being in your own world, exploring what ifs and find little to no purpose experiencing the real physical world. Contribute to Committing/ development by creating an account on GitHub. som original - . Well, new life grows. Chase: A good example of this, you can go on the INTJ forums, for example, and people all over the INTJ forms. And feel secure within their environment, or who theyre with. And each four of these are actually their own type. They know theyre brilliant, they can know that they could figure anything out if they really put their minds to it, but its all about that Si Child. The ISFPs sexual energy is often very sensual and much more confident than most people expect from them. At this function, you become overly critical of yourself and others. Seriously, we need INTPs. I take that to mean everyone's superego is not predetermined. Season 06 What are the four pillars of self intimacy? They dont listen to me. A is opposite four-letter code, such as ISFP-ENTJ. When INTPs feel vulnerable and ashamed, and Ti hero and the other functions don't give a proper solution, Fi will activate. the joker archetype). Well its their Se Trickster, theyre not aware of the experiences other people have or are getting. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. You only tell an INTP what they should do and you dictate to them what they should do and you better have reasons to back up. Lifestyle is an under-appreciatedbut extremely importantelement of compatibility. Where can Si child can screw over INTPs? The MBTI is based on a theory of personality created by Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung. Chase: And the test, quite frankly, any of the tests can be inaccurate. Okay. Um, so anyway, if you got any funny situations, like some cool photos are funny stories, by all means. If youre aspiring with your insecurities, then youre able to use your subconscious side of your mind at-will and in a very productive, positive manner. I had a really bad break up a few years back (she cheated). This is why INTPs usually have absolutely terrible fashion sense. ISFP Strengths. Is it really going to help people if Fe inferior? As an INTP, you'll want to keep these issues in mind when you get to know an ISFP. Thank you for being so caring. This is the last function in the INTPs ego. So why should they want things? Its a, its a self fulfilling prophecy as far as INTP social relationships go. Your values and ideals may coincide perfectly, but if you can't agree on how to conduct day-to-day matters, your relationship will always have friction. Quite frankly, enlightenment literally is being able to use all four sides of your mind in perfect balance with each other. Wow, thats respectable. And so thats why parents, if you have an INTP living in your basement playing video games all over, all day long and getting fat kicked them out of the house as soon as possible, please. Theyre constantly trying to overcompensate by being caring for others because deep down they feel like theyre trash, they feel like theyre not worth it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Not necessarily, you know, something that they have to do. So Im going to criticize you right now with my Ti Hero so you could see the error of your ways so that you all start making those bad decisions and have a better life. I appear very closed off and aloof, but on the inside I seek acceptance. INFP. Tonights video is the second to last of the series. It would do that. You have the ego, you have the four cognitive functions that exist within the ego, and thats the hero, parent, child, and the inferior function. Everyone else in the world is stupid and they have credentials and Im smarter than those people. 1 People who score as INTP are often described as quiet and analytical. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. But we still have similarities, like mentioned-- that our Types live in our heads a lot of the time, and we understand that the other needs space, albeit INTPs can require a lot more solitude than ISFPs. And my unconscious is an ENTP, and my parasite is an ISFJ. And its like, Oh okay. Things start making more sense that way. If you don't relate to that, that's probably good because you've not been hurt enough by somebody. So I also need to have assistance in that area to try to figure out optimal fashion tips, et cetera. Um, but nowadays since Ive grown up, I have a lot of experience, with my Si Inferior and Ive tried to maintain a better sense of fashion, but I mean, come on, you basically see me on these videos wearing the same thing and thats because I have many of the same shirt because like once I find something familiar Ill stick with it, right? Dont expect them to, if you have routines to be paying any attention to your routine or your way of doing things, thats not how they work. . INTP superego ISFP: INTP doesn't act like an INTP. This function is the weakest and it's unconscious. They kind of understand because they had that experience in their Si Child. Sometimes you want to say or do something in front of people, but are afraid you'll look dumb., Because the Joker was actually an ENTP ego, but he got stuck in a super ego due to all the suffering in his life. I, I, I can empathize, um, with the INTP because I dont have Fi because Ive Fi Trickster, so Im not sympathizing here. On other words, when someone find that X is a god to him or her, what is projected? However, if somebody decides to punch their Fe inferior or if nobody values, accepts, or recognises the efforts, they go from Fe inferior to Fi demon. This personality type is mainly driven by the core desire to live in peace and harmony. Dont want to have to deal with them anymore. Don't! As you can see, an . Provided the test result is accurate, it is meaningful, but its only 25% of the equation. Not upside-down but inside-out. INTPs inspire ISFPs to dream big while ISFPs help INTPs with everyday practicalities. Hugely favours logical thoughts. Introverted Thinking (authenticating the logic). What it really is is, I tested an INTJ and my subconscious is an ESFP. That includes the Si Child, tells the same stories over and over and over Si Inferior does it too, but Si Child, an INTP, its like really bad. ISFP are also Se users and somewhat artist, so when the INTP is in the super ego he wants to create negative experiences (art) for whoever wronged him or destroy the positive experiences he's created with people. I would caution people hitting this function when youre conversing or interacting with other human beings, because when that happens they will hate you. Never ever ask an INTP how they feel ever for any reason. It doesnt even occur to them that that person may have already heard that story. He apologized to me and Im like, told you, but you know, people tell me I dont even know people. Or at least, a healthy version of an ISFP. Because Ti Hero will challenge you. Hey, I can have fun by myself. However, because their wing is type 4, some of the core traits of the INTP might also be altered. Thats really supportive. ESTPs live for their straightforward and blunt communication style. 3superego Te nemesis is worried about rational thinking. Chase: So lets look at where that actually happens in media or in the cinema. Worries about organisational thinking. But also not like an ISFP. Instead of letting the INTPs exploring the world, they'll be timid, and will prefer to do nothing. All right, the INTP I love INTPs and for some reason, so does everybody else. So its like, well, I dont want to take the risk so Im just not going to make a decision, you know, because I dont want to want the wrong things, so Im just going to not want anything is kind of how they do it. With Ti hero, INTPs enjoy learning subject by themselves, and arriving to the answer using their own logical frameworks. Um, you know, and, and make sure that they have that and if they and they will whine and complain, good luck trying to put a suit on an INTP., I also consider it theoretical psychology. You wont deal with Fi Demon. You got to get burned in order to be able to get closer to the truth, you have to be you willing to suffer for it, right? But of course the INTP is like, eh, shrugs and goes off into their own little corner, pulls out their phone and starts playing puzzle games on their phone as if they didnt care to begin with anyway, which quite frankly, they really dont. And if you have to deal with suffering and something outside of your comfort zone, its still like better for you because youll get like growth and self improvement. Thats the problem. And its like, no, actually I really do care about you. Ni critic: INTPs sixth function. Most of their surroundings consist of billboards built into the grass just off the road, along with scattered farms. I find that very entertaining sometimes. So what you do is you forced it on the INTP. Handles physical space. This function feels alien to the INTP. Uh, and then all of a sudden, nothing means anything to them at all and uh, its kind of a defense mechanism that they do, but its also because unless something actually interests their Si child, which is right here, uh, if, if its an experience they want to have, I mean theyll, theyll, uh, theyll not be apathetic, but if its an experience they dont want to have or if theyre just being bitter and response with their ESFJ subconscious because they can get bitter, uh, the INTP will just decide to not care. Are ISFP and INTP Relationships Compatible?INTP and ISFP relationships are called super-ego relationships. If Im going to do the time, I may as well do the crime. And I told my friend that thats exactly what would happen. But even if they are blunt, at most seven out of ten, eight out of ten accuracy with these tests. INTPs with Si child will remember positive and pleasant experiences to and will reflect on them. linda hamilton macgyver; lake koocanusa montana camping; suite 28 citizens bank park; The submerged part of the iceberg, so to say, is very understood and complicated, Im having a great time researching it. Maybe in like 10 years after, like theyre super bitter about it and then all of a sudden they realize theres this thing called manhood and they should probably grow up. At best they make for interesting 'stories' you can use to think about your own mental functioning. Ignores / Rejects thoughts of other's future intentions / actions. The inferior function is where a persons aspirations exists. Chase: What happens if you burn down the entire forest? I understand it is the 8 functions and particularly those which are more unconscious. Focus on the present. and our And the reason is it really comes from Myers-Briggs, quite honestly. Thats amazing. You'll probably try entering the room to get something, forgetting what you want in that exact moment. Its crazy, and difficult. Theyll make these weird reasons, but you have to always make sure you have evidence and reasons to back up why they should be doing something and if they, if you have enough evidence, the INTP like, okay, yeah, sure, thats fine. Make sure you have all of the evidence in the world to backup your thinking when you make any claim around an INTP. Otherwise they will start to get bitter and that Fi Demon will come out and start to burn down your life and thats just how it works. Final word: Take a shot everytime you see the word INTP. I dont need all this other stuff. I spend most of my day writing messages out then deleting Press J to jump to the feed. Im an NTP as well. But also not like an ISFP. And the next video Im probably going to be doing either one to talk about the tests, specifically, or I will do another video to start the series on how to type others. People have to be willing to be honest with themselves, they have to be honest with the test, they cant be so concerned about what other people think about them or how people feel about them. isfp-isfj. And that literally is what enlightenment is, you become complete within oneself. Chase: The bottom function is known as the demon function, its where a persons sin nature exists, its where the human condition exists. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I dont make moral decisions, so I have to rely on ethics. Um, and its also because of Fi Demon, because INTPs dont care how they feel like in the same way ISTPs dont care how they feel because to them its not about how they feel is about whats true and whats false. Not Listening to this means like youre, youre basically choosing to be ignorant by not listening to this. That's the start of the unconscious part of INTP; ENTJ. You have to always show them appreciation. They can get overwhelmed by sensory details. Yes, I've been in stressful environment lately. 3 Things an INTP Values Freedom Time Alone Rationality 3 Things an ISFP Values Freedom Relationships Emotions How do their values match up? He tried to use his unconscious mind to try to solve the problems of the world, or his problems in his life, that failed. Wake up. That would be like telling an ENTP or an ESTP that theyre uncaring and that theyre the most selfish people in the world. Thats how, uh, you know, the theory of relativity games because extraverted intuition parent and Ti hero, lets be honest. If you think youre smarter than the INTP, youre, youre wrong. Bye. 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