No way that would have ended well, no matter how honorable Jon Arryn was. But before that when the kids are 8, Steffon on the small council and cousin to Aerys, Roberts grandmother is a Targaryen. There is, after all, a precedence for such a thing with Tyrion Lannister serving as acting Hand in his father's stead under King Joffrey. The two died in each others arms as the city fell around them, which is kind of sweet but probably wouldnt have happened at all if they hadnt created all kinds of wars and chaos to begin with. Well, according to Barbrey Dustin and Euron Greyjoy, the maesters had a long term "Southern Ambitions" strategy going on. She also impregnates herself with a demon baby spawned by Stannis after promising to give him a son. News and discussions relating to George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels, his Westeros-based short stories, the "Game of Thrones" and "House of the Dragon" TV series, and all things ASOIAF - but with particular emphasis on the written series. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Everything Ned does in relation to Jon Snow is colored by the deaths of Rhaegar's other children. But then again, Domeric Bolton was fostered in the Vale too. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Iwas under the impression that the marriage deal was made before Denys died. WebThe Jon, alias of Jonathan Sprague, former member of Steam Powered Giraffe; Fictional characters. Jon would probably be pulled all over the place. This would take place 5 years before Duskendale, before Aerys was mad and considered a good king. Arryn may have had his own concerns re: Lyseni pirates and the clansmen of the Mountains of the Moon. That's what I keep hearingby those accounts shouldn't have Edmure have been there as well? Is it certain he was send to be fostered, before the shipwreck killed his parents? I don't like to be in the dark on things. He was married at least twice before and failed to produce an heir. Ned was the second son, fostering him exposed him to southern ways, other families outside the north, and other ladies outside the North. There is a theory that has become pretty widely accepted, I believe, that the North and most of the South at this point was building an anti-Targaryan (or at least anti-Aerys) alliance. Well, I think Edmure is about 10 years younger than Ned, so perhaps plans for him would be some kind of 2nd phase. Westeros: The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain And why did it take so long to flush them out? In a scene that caused cringe around the world, we see Lysa breastfeeding her basically 20-year-old son. And would weigh on him badly. Jon Snow Chapter 19: 17. For example the Freys and Starks (preRW), Martell and Yronwood, Harry the Heir and Waynwood, Brandon and Lord Dustin etc. Jon just started a war to save his adopted sons from the Targaryen dynasty and he just found out his adopted sons betrothed had a child with the former prince, and the other adopted son swore to protect this nephew. Are there different types of zero vectors? Den enklaste jonen r protium (en vtejon, en positiv laddningsenhet, H + ). Today I realised that 'milk of the poppy' is just poppy (spoilers main) Ser Kevan might be one of the most well (SPOILERS PUBLISHED) Bran is a much darker character than (Spoilers Extended) The lack of a wealthy, urban [Spoilers Extended] Why the fandom likes Stannis so much? Eddard was likely sent to Jon Arryn pending a betrothal to a female heiress in case of Jon Arryn's passing without his own living heir. Marriage: Lysa Arryn and Jon Arryn . I don't think Jon Arryn can possibly be viewed as a monster. So the question arises, who would have Robert appointed to head the administration while he was away? We loved watching their love story continue to unfold and when they parted ways for the last time, it was a real tearjerker. While Ned Stark was an undeniably honorable and good man - especially compared to others in Game of Thrones - he was built to be the Warden of the North, not the King's Hand. As for parentage, Robb's parents died when he was very young in ship breaker bay as he watched. I would appreciate it, if someone has a sense as to why both Ned and Robert were fostered by Jon Arryn, to please reply with their. RELATED:Game of Thrones: How Each Character Is Supposed To Look. Grifos, Columnas,Refrigeracin y mucho mas Vende Lo Que Quieras, Cuando Quieras, Donde Quieras 24-7. After Lord Jon Arryn's untimely demise, King Robert of the House Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, decides to make Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, the new Hand of the King. Martin's mythology. Later, when Tyrion caught Shae in bed together with his father Tywin, he lost it and he shot his father in the bathroom with an arrow and then went back to strangle Shae. Perhaps Arryn, Baratheon, Stark and Tully had some plan to make their presence felt at court and have their concerns heeded? Honestly, I'm not sure what would have changed in the story. Doran needed to pay the blood price to clean up after Oberyn's idiocy. Having a Northman learn the ways of the South never hurts. Jon's heir was still Denys Arryn when he got married. In the final season, we find out that Gilly and Sam are expecting a baby together, a son they plan to name Jon. So for all we know, they will therefore spend quite some time on the Kingsroad going there and back again. Was Jon Arryn capable as the Hand? It's a shame really. WebJon Arryn held the realm together for King Robert. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! That makes less sense to me if it means from 14-15 to 18 (3-4 years) as opposed to 8 to 18 (9-10 years). As to the man himself, we can't really say anymore. With the King gone and no new Hand appointed, who will rule the realm and speak justice in the name of the King? Their personalities seem to be pretty mismatched, but it's hard to imagine that they wouldn't have a lot of respect for each other and their abilities. Ned and Robert were in love early on and went for a break. He'd be shocked then nothing will really happen. Well, there is the Southern Ambitions theory that Rickard Stark, Jon Arryn, Hoster Tully and Steffon Baratheon were possibly making a grand alliance. Steffon had send letters from Essos, maester Cressen mentions them. In Game of Thrones, Robert's Rebellion takes place long before episode 1, but still has major ramifications later. PAVALCO TRADING nace con la misin de proporcionar soluciones prcticas y automticas para la venta de alimentos, bebidas, insumos y otros productos en punto de venta, utilizando sistemas y equipos de ltima tecnologa poniendo a su alcance una lnea muy amplia deMquinas Expendedoras (Vending Machines),Sistemas y Accesorios para Dispensar Cerveza de Barril (Draft Beer)as comoMaquinas para Bebidas Calientes (OCS/Horeca), enlazando todos nuestros productos con sistemas de pago electrnicos y software de auditora electrnica en punto de venta que permiten poder tener en la palma de su mano el control total de su negocio. At 8 I don't think a rebellion is being planned. Jon Arryn didn't have any children to marry, so to help bring Jon into the alliance Rob and Ned were sent to be fostered there. Lyn Corbray fought against Jon at Small Council had following members at the time: Any monarch would think twice before leaving his city in hands of other men but this small council was divided and thus was of no apparent threat to the King. Now, magically I can't really say that these hybrid kids gain anything, but can we at least recognize that the gods themselves may have been perplexed in doling out the quintessential qualities which make a Stark a Stark and a Tully a Tully (assuming that divine intervention is considered to be at least part of what imbues the ruling houses with their power)? I suppose he could've just been visiting home or something, but it seems very coincidental that he happened to be visiting right then, rather than him actually living there. We started watching Game of Thrones for the action, but lets be real we stayed for the romances. Is it certain he was send to be fostered, before the shipwreck killed his parents? Craig has previously been published on sites such as Den of Geek, and after many coffee-drenched hours hunched over a laptop, part-time evening work eventually turned into a full-time career covering everything from the zombie apocalypse to the Starship Enterprise via the TARDIS. From across the sea comes Daenerys Targaryen - a descendant of the very house Robert rebelled against on his path to becoming king. By Like Robb, Jon inherited Neds traits of honor and duty. Jon Arryn seems to have done nothing untoward with Robert or Eddard, and viewed them as his own adopted sons, especially after their fathers died and he lost his own heirs one by one. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Jaime was capable of being monstrous, but it's very possible that a marriage to someone like Cat could have tempered his worst impulses. ZOBOKO.COM EN. And mind you, he's negotiating the marriage with Jon Arryn who has apparently part of this conspiracy. 1 minute ago, Alexis-something-Rose said: 23 minutes ago, Alexis-something-Rose said: Westeros: The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain, A Song of Ice and Fire 2024 Calendar Announced, Game of Thrones Official Fan Convention Tickets on Sale Now, Wrapping Up on House of the Dragon Season 1, GRRM Donates to Northwestern University, Endows a New Chair, Game of Thrones Complete Collection (Blu-Ray). WebHow to use Jon in a sentence. I think Robert was at the Vale as a young man. And Ned would have sent back defiance (great line from Books) and massed at Moat Callin. Why? Whether she left willingly or not doesn't matter; it's not something that's done either way. Yes, it doesnt get much messier than using your spouse for murder then killing them yourself. A male given name from Hebrew, variant of John. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Both of his daughters had quite interesting storylines, and have the potential to be intriguing characters in the Jon Snow spinoff, but they may have endured less suffering had they remained in the North.Their fate may have still been dark at Winterfell, but They may not have spoken the same language, but somehow they seemed to understand each other perfectly, with long lingering touches, and smoldering glances; plus, their steamy language lessons helped too. We all know that Cat deserves far better than the sentient slime that is Petyr Baelish. Where do we even begin with this one. And when Daenerys found out she was pregnant with Khal Drogos baby, fans were over the moon too. But from Ned's perspective, IMO, it's not just his own code of honor that holds him to the "promise" he made to Lyanna. Rick probably had some political drive to expand his house name from just being in the north. Yet, it was still a heavy decision for Ned to leave his home and family. Fostering is not uncommon among the Lords of Westeros. Brandon was fostered in the North. Generally it's political reasons, it's also good fo Or that Steffon would die, or the Tully's would side with them, or the king would go mad. Same with Robert. This is very simple, and doesn't need theories. Jon was well known for his honor, and Catelyn would have undoubtedly made a spectacular Lady of the Vale, as well as a wife of the Hand to the King. He loves and respect him. Robert could have wanted to be home for that. Brandon was fostered in the North. Sure, they had their differences, but at the end of the day, they loved each other. House Frey may be one of the wealthiest houses in the Riverlands, but clearly most of the noble houses in Westeros look down on them for obvious and understandable reasons. Rhaegar acted unexpectedly, and Aerys' murder of Brandon and Rickard gave the perfect excuse to start the war to depose Aerys. I never understood why Robert was being fostered in the Vale, at the time he was already the Storm Lord, and by rights his place should have been in the Stormlands. Ned was barely given any choice, as it was more of a king's command. MOLPRO: is there an analogue of the Gaussian FCHK file? That's why Robin was going to be sent to Tywin. Was the ship sabotaged? And all of this took place before the rebellion was even focused on overthrowing the Targs and putting a Baratheon on the throne. I think they would all have basically been fine with Rheagar on the Iron Throne. As for Baratheon--he was entrusted with a sensitive mission to Essos--to find a bride for the crown prince. OR "Keep him safe, love him, because he has no one else" OR "Don't let them use him to take the Iron Throne.". Sansa and Joffrey get engaged, but as soon as Sansas father Ned dies, Joffreys true colors shine through. The worst. Probably not Jon's fault, pardon my misleading post. It is also possible that Council may have been acting as a combined body acting through popular vote. So this will be speculation and logical inference. Jon Arryn was definitely noble to stand up for his wards against his own king. Gilly was one of the Free Folk and the daughter, and also the wife, of Craster. But Stannis is on Dragonstone not King's Landing. But as with most Game of Thrones romances, it couldnt last forever, although in GOT timelines, they made it longer than most. If Arryn took any interest in Jon over Ned's other children, it would have looked suspicious. But the risk would be that Jon decided that Jon Snows existence, even if secret, was too great a risk to the stability of the kingdom. The conflict culminated with the Battle of the Trident, at which both Robert and Rhaegar were present, and the Stag was able to slay the Dragon. For example, just like Ned he also opose Robert in chasing and killing Viserys and Dany. It's by and large an exposure method. Tensions were already high as Aerys committed violent acts against his own people and became increasingly paranoid, but the real motivation behind Robert's Rebellion was, typically, romantic in nature. The only blade used by Robert was a hunting knife he received from Jon as a boy. Both menare soon killed themselves thanks to the machinations of the Lannisters, provoking war both against the North, and against the likes of Stannis Baratheon, Robert's brother and the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. They shared five children together, plus Jon Snow who was allegedly Neds from a mistress, but who we eventually found out was not Neds at all. I think Lord Arryn would keep his mouth shut, but it would be extremely distracting thinking about it while serving Robert. While Tyrion and Shaes relationship was unhealthy enough, it got even more toxic when Tyrion found Shae and his father in bed together. These two were made for each other as no one else could really stand them for long. Well, I think Edmure is about 10 years younger than Ned, so perhaps plans for him would be some kind of 2nd phase. My guess is that the "warding" in this sense is more of a squiring experience (both their parents were alive until they were 15 or older). Ned is not emotionally connected to Jon the same way he is with his other kids. Nuevos Medios de Pago, Ms Flujos de Caja. Card trick: guessing the suit if you see the remaining three cards (important is that you can't move or turn the cards). What caused and whattranspired during Robert's Rebellion inGame of Thrones? Joffrey becomes a monster and orders Sansa beaten, aims arrows at her, threatens to assault her in her sleep, wages war on her family, attacks her sister, mocks her brothers death, kills her dog, and uses her, just to name a few. Powered by Invision Community. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Need we say more? IF ever it could be said that a non-regal child was born more politically powerful than the child of a king, it would have been said about all of the Stark children, for they were born between two noble houses, as opposed to being born of just one (as most Targaryens are). Then they retreated to Riverrun for the double wedding. WebJon Jones. Why wouldn't Robert do the same? Whether there stillbirths and miscarriages were all his fault seems unlikely to me, but I think he was part of it. While future projects look set to focus elsewhere, Robert's Rebellion remains a fascinating area of George R.R. It's generally accepted that the death of Jon Arryn is the spark that signals the beginning of the Game of Thrones. While Theon was a hostage, he was a ward as well as Ned taught him the ways of the north. Later? I think with Eddard and Robert it was a case of: Here is my son, my bloodline, I entrust you to take good care of him, teach him your ways, and should you treat him well, our next generation will form an alliance. Jon was initially told to execute her but after she escaped the two spent some very cold yet cozy nights out in the frozen wilderness. WebJon noun. It exposes them to other lords and customs. It's generally accepted that the death of Jon Arryn is the spark that signals the beginning of the Game of Thrones. They called each other their sun and stars and moon of my life because their worlds revolved around each other it was adorable. If there is one thing the Lannisters know how to do, its keeping it in the family. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. We don't have any record of him attending the tourney at Harrenhal. Jon feels more modern than the traditional John, but some may find it an overly slight variation Also not that many people were involved in the plot, that was the point of the tourney, to bring everybody in. Jon declined to foster the grandsons of Lord Walder Frey . The reason Theon is called a ward is because hostage sounds bad. It's kind of hard to say how involved Jon was in any anti-Targ conspiracy before the rebellion. Eventually, Daenerys has to smother Khal Drogo to end his suffering in the final ultimate act of love. And what about the mission--was that sabotaged too? I don't know if my step-son hates me, is scared of me, or likes me? 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