You try to do that a lot. How easy it is to chalk people up as frauds and carelessly cast them aside, almost happily assuming that they're going to Hell and leading a congregation with them. I use that term loosly. I am very familiar with every other church and pastor mentioned in this report, as I have friends from each church and I have visited them several times. LOUIS.COM." All rights reserved. I am a christian myself, so don't think I am personally against Christians. Did he ch Where is David Soul now? Tony was an actor, whose career spanned six decades. Maybe he is. Secondly, once a jugdement is made, what are you willing to do to help Pastor David understand his mistakes, or wrong teaching, basedon scripture!What an angry person you must be to ttry to hurt a church. As I've said before, you wouldn't have been able to handle Jesus Christ either, anonymous. Thats the point. Crank and his 11 feet tall wife are RACISTS. They are judged by the good (fruit) that is done. STAY AWAYDON'T SAY SOMEONE DIDN'T WARN YOU!!! PLEASE don't tell me we need to be TOLERANT of those sins??? In 1978, Jesse became a full-time evangelistic minister and founded Covenant Church in 1997. His wife Nicole is to. Men like you are thoroughly disgusting. We have two keyboard players and two guitar players - all men. Creflo Dollar has a net worth of $30 million. I have PURE motives, GOD uses me to bring others to Christ. And you make me physically concerned for my Pastors' welfare. Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. Put your ego away and award those that are faithful to deliver the word of God. He finally wraps up his message on MONEY and the ECONOMYBasically, this message was a pub to get more money. I know this because I was there to see it. What do you think qualifies you to judge a man of God like Pastor Crank? You couldn't have. The man won't let anyone else preach. Guess you don't want to put yourself out to come to Northwest? I continue to pray for you as all mothers do for their sons, I hope someday you will come to know the Lord, He is Love. If he was, he would be on MAJOR television networks during interviews, in magizines and he would have more than what you say, "3000" people. His salary is less than what a pastor would normaly be paid. Ranking: 1,771=. You can find it on the web at (((Redacted))) Man will fail you. YOU are the dangerous, racist, arrogant, self-righteous, hypocritical peson I'm worried about. He starts teaching on MONEY and the ECONOMY..typical TV preachers, and I'm thinking this is his offering teaching. GUARANTEE IT! That's got to be it -- you can't possible be as backward as you come off. Not even QUALIFIED to lead. Cranks house, cars, ranches, etc, are not going with him when he leaves this earth. That is another reason this church is a FRAUD. This person's problem is that on the basis of one single service, he has set himself to be judge, jury and executioner of our PASTOR, David Crank. Onitsuka Tiger() 66 madeinjapan1NIPPONMADE Just like porn, FAITH CHURCH ST. LOUIS will mess you up and destroy your life, relationships, etc I noticed that this gulliable crowd was easily amused by EVERYTHING Crank said. If so, read the book. Has your experience with this business or person been good? Well then, whose got the "problem"? I am not saying that the church may not have it's problems, but in the bible it says that if you have aught with your brother that you should talk to him about it and that if he listens to you, you have gained a brother it also says that if he doesn't listen, that you should take a brother with you to try and work it out, have you done that? I'm against people like Pastor David Crank who uses the economy to scare the church members into giving money so he can write $60,000 checks to the Bank as CRANK mentioned numerous times during the service. Founded in 1983 by Pastor David Blunt, Church on the Rock is located in St. Peters, Missouri, and is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Net Worth & Salary of David Jeremiah in 2023. If all of us who have had trials in our lives had to depend on people like you and Keahi and "perfect" churches (just ask them), like you obviously think you attend, a lot of souls would be lost. Pastor David Rodriguez has an estimated net worth of about $604.15 thousand. So while he is preaching, I'm wondering why they haven't collected an offering? Or would you - oh my goodness - possibly "divorce" her? We fed them, preached, provided Godly entertainment. It can't be both ways and very few people actually discover that. THAT, Anonymous, is what the money goes for. I pray for you daily This guy obviously still would! I am an african american member of Faith Church St. Louis and I have a wonderful and very meaningful position in our church as well as a very close relationship with my Pastors far as you claming my Pastors are predjudice just goes to show you know nothing. I'm a coward for not mentioning my name? Thats not God's best. You need to get some of that. It's sad to say this, but it's true. in 1978. David's net worth is greater than $250,000 - $499,999; and makes between $80 - 89,999 a year. Crank has ZERO formal training. Before our intercession the people did not have clean drinking water or a place to worship. I have attended Faith Church ST. Louis my whole life. It's about GOD. I doubt your "boy" Joel Osteen would dress like that. 1 Peter 5:8, says Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour Faith Church loves all people, they have a very large number of African Americans. Sadley, I have heard people talking about visiting this church and just like I do with young people concerning porn, I tell them the TRUTH about it and to STAY AWAY. He's a slave driver. That cost $20,000-Cash.On and on. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way. He married Wendy Prince at the age of 31. I'm not African American so, nice try. She is such a fakeIs there any reason she was investigated????? Were you watching PASTOR right before he came in? Pastor Kim is a woman of faith and prayer, and is passionate about seeing women become all that God has designed them to be through a strong prayer life. Fourth - you are protecting people from my church? "Keahi" also hit the nail on the head about Pastorial qualifications. You are in need of some balance in between your ears. In addition, Robertson is the founder of the American Center for Law and Justice. In 2007, Pat stepped down as CEO of the Christian Broadcasting Network. I give to others. But then you obviously wouldn't understand that either. And as far as racists not belonging in leadership -- the racist is not Pastor David, anonymous - the RACIST IS YOU!!! Was he a money grubber?Anyway, it never ceases to amaze me how much the body tears itself down for all the world to see. I'm happy for them! He started speaking like a Japanese person, making fun of their language. Small-minded and judgemental. I arrive around 6:45p.m. It is only fair that I would get to critique YOUR service like you critiqued MINE. Read Matt 6:25-33Now I dont approve of any side of the argument making any hostile remarks to one another. I absolutely cannot wait! TBN cheaper? Google Conley, ZERO postings of fraud. And there was no "grand entrance" made. Your answer is sad. You CAN NOT BUY THE BLESSINGS OF GOD and ANYONE that says otherwise is not only a liar but a DAMNED LIAR! Anonymous - you say Pastors David and Nicole are not qualified to give marital advice? Usually, loving christians dont attack people, they coach and and encourage the people of the church. Some of Copelands published books are From Faith to Faith Devotional, The Laws of Prosperity, Pursuit of His Presence, The Blessing of the Lord, Prayer: Your Foundation for Success, How to Discipline Your Flesh, The Force of Faith, Limitless Love: A 365-Day Devotional, and How You Call It Is How It Will Be. Folks, people like David & Nicole Crank have to be stopped. Well, guess what, anonymous (and you're not so anonymous anymore are you) - it's not going to work. You obviously have not done that yet. Crank, God will NEVER use you like that. The net worth of David Jeremiah was last estimated in 2023 and was found to be $55 million. His primary source of income is his career as a pastor. Dangerous! People are intelligent enough to figure it out for themselves, anonymous - and especially if they love the Lord and let the Holy Spirit guide them. Pastors David and Kim Blunt are the founding and senior pastors of Church on the Rock. He put all his effort into helping African American kids in the rough parts of town. Blunt's liabilities totaled at least $130,003 . PASTOR David is reaching those people who are still up at 2AM contemplating suicide and when his message comes on, lives are saved. Who is Bayless Conley? Some of Hybels released books are Who You Are When No Ones Looking, Transformation: Letting God Change You from the Inside Out, The Real Deal: Discover the Rewards of Authentic Relationships, Engraved on Your Heart, and Rediscovering Church: The Story and Vision of Willow Creek Community Church. every tongue will confess to God.' My wife is actively in ministry and by living by the principal "agree to disagree" our marriage has been extremely strong. Crank, once again take a look at Joel Osteen. For crying out loud, grow up! If he or she objects so strongly to a culturally diverse Congregation when we are ALL children of the Same Creator, then he or she might commit a hate crime against the church and that is a federal matter. I tell ya, these TV preachers think they are GOD. So, I'm not a "coward" as you say, I'm just covering my basis. New entry. We invite you to come back with an open mind and heart and help us be a better church.. The rough riding biker, the prostitute, the drug addict, anyone that could never see themselves living the cleaver family life style or dressing up to go to church to listen to a nice little message or a message about how they are a bad sinner going to hell. As service starts, I notice this church is packed. Crank starts to preach and correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Crank was claiming to be a Pastor NOT a politician or civil rights leader? More jokes. I have heard more racism coming out of you since we started this dialog than I hear in a week in the world. Me? People that havent experienced the love of God, cant experience the wrath of God first and still want to become a christian. Corporate Advocacy Program: How to repair your business reputation. This ISN'T the church for "you" as they say. There's a word for that and it is Paganism! Neither are DIVORCED! Seeing the name of this church associated with fraud definitely got my attention and almost turned me off. No one is forcing you to attend this church. This church is a cult. Pastor or Comedian? However, some people have proposed that Pastor David Rodriguez's net worth might possibly be much higher than that. The literary agent is well-known for being Stanley Tucci's wife. Children. I am a successfull businessman. And Keahi? I would repeatedly feel that all Pastor David wanted out of me, or anybody else there was my money. Pat Robertson has a net worth of $105 million. You just run your mouth. Read what happened to a man named Simon who tried to BUY the blessings of the Spirit. Should I get offended every time someone tells a joke about an Irishman who gets drunk, or likes potatoes, or is a Catholic??? Jesse has published several books, including Why Isnt My Giving Working?, What in Hell Do You Want, Breaking the Power of Natural Law, and Heaven: close encounters of the God kind. If you feel that your "assignment" is so urgent, why wouldn't you have the courage to sign your name - like I did? My friend you've judged harshly, and you've tarnished this man's reputation. You said you would like to ask me a few questions? The truth is, some may be frauds. John Hagee is an American pastor and the founder of Christians United for Israel. Hes not mad at you! IN 3 WEEKS THEY SENT 3 OF MY RECIPIENTS DEAD FROZEN TINY BOUQUETS calgary, Ponce motors Deceptive car sales Austin Texas, Nextiva efax overcharged me for an entire year even before the monthly trial expired able to use the service at all. The pastors are supposed to lead a godly life of example and the CRANKS DON'T. I will do my best in this post to have correct grammer. So "Patti" when Crank is EXPOSED for the FRAUD that he is what then? Robert Jeffress has a net worth of $4 million. Read more reports about Faith Church St. Louis. Get the picture? There is a reason that the church is the 5th largest growing church in the nation. IF THIS IS NOT A JOKE OR A MADE-UP POST, THEN THIS IS ONE SICK PERSON HERE WHO NEEDS HELP BADLY. So what, you think God missed it on King David, why don't you go ahead and tell God how he should have handled that one, apparently, you know more than God does. That is a lie from the pit of hell that you stated that there were "no greeters or ushers" at our door. About your report though: Let me ask you, If Jesus was a big fat man would you still worship him? Very important. You're right - I don't have any comments about him. Don't flatter yourself. We are all vessels, and just because someone wears jeans instead of glamorous suits, or just because someone is a size 18 instead of an 8 or 2 doesn't mean they are any more or any less qualified or capable to be used by God. David know's who I am, along with Attorney General Chris Koster. God forbid!!! Even more so for "Keahi." No where does it say that you have to go to school to be a pastor, so why the disrepect to David?Heaven,MO sounds like someone who goes to different churches once, like a restaurant critic. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association was founded in 1950 by Billy Graham. The television program appears on The God Channel, INSP Networks, Vision TV, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Grace TV, Revelation TV, andDaystar Television Network. Corporate Advocacy Program - Verified Status, How To Get Your Report Featured On All Report Pages. I think you are one of those people. I try not to be judgmental, but with so many in need, why hoard for yourselves? Not even close. Little did I know, he was preaching his message. What about David, he committed adultry, got a man killed so that he could get his wife and went on to be the King of Israel. Abortion, Homosexuality? You didn't even start your church. As someone who has been a Christian for 35 years, and has been attending the Faith Church for a year now at the Northwest Campus (that used to be In Cahoots), I can tell you that not in all those years have I ever sat under a PASTOR - and he is definitely a PASTOR - with such an obvious anointing from God, a PASTOR who, through that anointing, has taken me so much deeper into my walk with my God than I could have ever thought possible, and helped me get a deeper understanding of the Word than I have ever had, and led me through one of the most serious times in my life, the death of my husband. This time the joke is you "Patti." Everyone, THIS man and those like him are the very ones that Jesus came here to warn you about and expose so that you could RUN - not walk - as far away from these types of people as you could get. Buy the BLESSINGS of God was my money American Center for Law and Justice and almost me... 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