Like if NTA was like the golden buzzer in Got Talent, OP would still be NTA. All they are doing is trying to determine if your fianc holds values like them or not. Some people live paycheck to paycheck and this could break them. And they think they are adults. Slashing someone else's tires is full on illegal. I think the ONLY thing you could do was uninvite them. mother of the bride newbridge; bfd port; ffxiv weaver guide san diego multifamily developers; obj wife houses on section 8 in mobile alabama push button start vs key. I am assuming your fiance has been putting up with this out of respect for you and your family. However, when Wife is changing the diapers Husband will often enter the room and insist she smile whilst doing so as it may affect the child emotional state. Again, keep in mind him and I have never once hung out one on one just strictly in social settings. Oh Im sure they wanted to know about whether he would enforce gender inequality and support the patriarchy. Not a "real" man. Your username is literally what you should be doing. Arent we trying to advocate for mens mental health? anyway, its my mums birthday next week and i was going to take the family out for dinner at a nice restaurant. Problem was I need my car for work. Yeah NTA sorry doesn't cut it, what if he had an asthma attack? A year into it I was informed by my stepdad I needed to take a full time job to help pay for college or they wouldn't pay for anymore of it. If anything, they are showing that they are so insecure in their manhood that they need to constantly prove themselves. HIDING HIS INHALER? You need to set things straight immediately that he comes first or else this will be the end of your relationship. They've done stuff like forcing him to play chess 4 times in a raw, secretly slashed his tires to see if he'd fix it himself like a man or get help like those "lazy" guys, They'd asked him questions like what joke he'd like to tell his future MIL, his opinions on abortion, jesus, gender equality etc. ", What I dont understand is if you slash all of them how would you even fix it yourself? Tyre! I really hope they paid for the damage when they slashed his tyres. I know plenty of men that cant hunt, fish or turn a wrench and you know what? NTA. They could of killed him. Good on you for putting your foot down. I cant believe that Tims family would want to see them or your mom at the wedding. Guarantee hes hoping youre that kind of person, OP. Slashing someones tires is NOT a prank! The Homo Sapiens hid all their inhalers as a prank. Edited to add although YTA for letting it carry on I actually mean ESH. Time to tell dad that people find him to be a thug and a criminal and don't respect him because he treats people badly. And at some point your family are going to crack your relationship with your fiance right through, because contact is always going to feel to him that you're condoning it and secretly agreeing. Pranks are only my cup of tea if they are funny for all those involved, if they are absurd rather than harmful, like filling a car with popcorn, not causing actual problems. A semester later and he said I had to pay for the full amount because I wasn't getting straight A's, which was true because I was exhausted. I think the inhaler thing was just the last straw. Its way past any reasonable persons definition of acceptable and moved straight to harassment. NTA, your family is terrible. They specifically use the fact he went college as a way to look down on him, and most people who do that are the same ones who think colleges are brainwashing places that take in nice, innocent, religious, straight conservative teenagers that perfectly mimic thier parent's views and opinions, all to brainwash them into being gay atheist liberals who might even have black or gay friends or worse, gasp even transgender friends. Hiding medical devices? I cant wait for the AITA because I did not stand up to the bullies in the family and now my husband is divorcing me. If not, then OP is out of family members that shouldn't be near them anyways. Rejecting feminine things like healthy social connections literally shortens their lives. Nta for uninviting them, because its Tim's wedding too and I wouldn't want people at my wedding who might abuse me. Do not invite them to the wedding and time to go no contact. Bullies are going to bully, but at least if you elope, they won't have the opportunity and no one else will be asking you where your dad and brother are. As a life long asthmatic I could never, ever, forgive someone who hid my inhaler and you are awesome for having your fiancs back. Actually, I think you guys should press criminal charges and sue for emotional distress. and our Blood relations dont necessarily need to be your family. If there's any chance of any form of healing this extended family it's by them realising how badly they've messed up, and them having to "man up" to take the consequences of their actions could be what's needed. People who want to help in your life are very rare, and should be appreciated, or even cherished. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. NTA. Stick to your guns. What about your future child if you have a boy? You dont hide an inhaler away from someone. Who wins out of this? Your fianc is a trooper for putting up with them. Pranks dont have the potential to cost people their lives. My own family has a long history of addiction. That their opinions matter more to you than his. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. For more information, please see our Also if she had to beg and beg for you to go with her she may have assumed you didn't want to come and she was relieving you of a burden when she cancelled. Your former lack of imposing boundaries is concerning and has led to this life threatening situation. Rejecting feminine things like healthy social connections literally shortens their lives. Slashing tires and hiding necessary medical equipment are not 'pranks'- they are being wilfully malicious to your fiancee and attempting to pass it off as pranking so you don't call them out for their less-than-human behavior. thank you for ur reply! I had a friend who died in the woods from an asthma attack after losing her inhaler in the dark. NTA. The only excuse is that she has been raised in this toxic environment and does not realise how bad it is. I'd cut out my whole family if they pulled shit like that. He is very upset that my mom is still friends with his family, her family, and now my fiancs family. NTA OP, they should be damn lucky your fiance hasn't just walked away from you and the marriage. Am I crazy or is OPs bf a saint for putting up with this for so long? They would have just said he had left it at the campsite and tossed it back with his things or just lost it or something. His entire family has disowned me and they're all blocked on my phone after sending me awful messages. Which is what you're doing. Tires are expensive to replace, and not everyone gets lucky finding good replacements secondhand. But Im gonna take it a step further and say you need to talk to Tim and really make sure that hes ok after all this. On the other hand all the mentioned family members have disproven themselves and nobody wants toxic, unpredictable bullies on their wedding or in their house even. Even bullying seems like too light of a word. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Perfect response, thisnis what I would say. Who would want to marry into a family where you're constantly tested based on toxicly masculine standards. Your family is toxic, rude and dangerous! Yes. My relationship with my stepdad has been problematic from the very beginning. They are POSs. The men in your family are among the worst types of people and I feel terrible that your fianc had to endure that much before it was finally stopped. They could have killed him. They could have killed him by hiding his inhaler. Maybe don't also make fun of his name and add to the problem? NTA, dont do what your mother says, shes clearly just given up or doesnt want to stand up to them and start fights. Was thinking the same. I completely agree. Even if its treatable? They are crimes. Agreed. In these sort of situations whatever he does will never be enough to measure up to people like that, and the narrow view of what "makes a man" is dumb and categorically untrue in this day and age anyway. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He didn't drive a wedge, they did! This shit should've ended the moment it began. Theyd call that future MIL bat-shit crazy & possibly homicidal. They didn't even stick around so if he had an attack, what would he do? Costing someone financially and putting said persons health at risk are not pranks NTA. Or, go rogue - cancel the wedding and elope. The fact he still wants to continue in this relationship says a lot about his feelings for you. Has still he come backOK I am calling the police..God I hope nothing has happened to him.. This is a hill to die on OP. The AITA mods have nothing to do with this ban and cannot assist in resolving. Otherwise leave Tim and let him find someone that will respect him enough to not let her family torture. Op is young and grew up with this, I dont fault them for not knowing better but the lesson here is its okay to stop talking to abusive people even if their family. NTA. This is a very real crossroad in your life. Imagine what kind of "prank" they would pull at a wedding with a large audience. Nuff said. They have it, but it burns everyone around them. The straight chess and hypothetical situations could be ruled as pranks and family making sure the new guy isgood enough(very archaic I know). At what point during his asthma attack would they be able to tell if he was being soft or if it was real? You are NTA unless you reinvite them. Jesus. My dad (50 M) and I (24 F) have had a complicated relationship. These men are going to end up killing him. Im a woman, but it my now-husbands family had treated me even 10% this badly, literally committed crimes against me they could be charged with criminally, I would not have continued dating him, much less married into his family. Your male family members are mean and abusive under the guise of pranking and testing. I'd protect him & any future kids you have with everything you have in you. Like men. I called him and the others awful then I left. Send them all links for information about consequences of their behaviour regarding his inhaler. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered! This x10000000000000000. That's all I think I can say about it without this getting removed, nor does it have to do with the post farther than him being gone. In what world is hiding critical medication and slashing tires "pranks"? He is young, maybe he will learn in time that the company we keep is, to some extent, an indicator of who we are. Tell them they need to apologize and gain respect in your eyes .. Tell them that their insecurities about how manly they are is showing loud and clear to everyone. All of them can go fuck themselves. There was nothing boarderline about this it was harassment and they endangered his life on purpose. Thats emotional blackmail. ESH leaning to YTA for not doing shit when they were "testing" him. OP if you see this have your fiance go slash each and everyone of their tires and when they inevitably freak out throw the prank back right in their face."WhAT He WaS JuSt pRaNkInG aNd TeStInG yOuR "MaNhOoD": these family members are just pure evil and have no respect for either of you. Privacy Policy. Fun, but definitely dont do this. Press J to jump to the feed. If you dont, it might literally become the hill your fianc dies on because they might hide his inhaler again. From expensive property damage to verbal abuse to life threatening actions. NTA. To not breathing. She lives alone with her cats and it would be days before we found out. NTA - no matter what kind of person you are, no one should ever belittle you to "test" how you are. What if you had to get somewhere fast or had to get to work? I say elope. They are cruel and bordering on criminal behavior. They werent pranking Tim, they were bullying him. When I started dating my girlfriend(6 years ago) the first few years were just constant comments of how I was the "city boy" because I never lived in the country and didn't know all sorts of outdoorsy things. Thats some psycho shit. He said that he didn't reply but later I got a call from my mom yelling at me calling me hurtful stuff saying I was acting like an ungrateful b by excluding her husband from the wedding after everything he's done for me, I told her that my brothers threatened not to come which pushed me to make this difficult dicision because if it was for me I'd have everyone there. To be honest car repair shop still works. Thats near abuse. You should have charged them for that and shutting this shit before the incident. Being in that environment sounds toxic as hell. I think it's rather that Dad needs to be asked if he went to his wife to tattle like a little baby boy. INFO did you talk to her about how it hurt your feelings? This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. im sure OP has tried to shut it down before. NTA. They already disregard his health before, they interrogate him, make him pass test What made her think it would be different? I feel so bad for him and am honestly surprised hes still with you. Would it still be as funny if they were arrested for manslaughter. NTA. Run, Tim, RUN!!! Stuck to your guns, your poor finance has been through more than enough and must really love you to have tolerated this bullshit. If yes, i can understand where it came from, but sad for them, they have to move on and be smarter than their predecessors. Who wants to be treated like that for the rest of their life? No, Tim: No, you wouldnt. Who do they think they are? They are nothing but bullies. What would they have done if he got sick or died? Have someone at the door of your wedding venue ready to kick them off the property. A parent's approval means the world to a person who is about to marry the love of their life. NTA but you allowed this to go on way too long. NTA you are prioritising yourself and your mental health and thats the right thing to do. Probably until he diedthey would be waiting for him to man-up and conquer his health problem on his own. and it would be lost if theyre banned from the wedding. I grew up in a house where my dad would pester us to the point of crying, then get mad that we were crying because "I'm just messing with you!!" I explained that if he just came to events and gave it a shot he would see that everyone is good now and is moving forward except him and his wife. When I was 14 my parents got divorced. Yeah that's why I normally use it in any situation where I type sarcasm. Enough people in general for today. I'm almost done and it's been a lifelong dream of my mother's to have her children graduate from college. If you still get married don't be surprised if he wants to get out of every family gathering etc if he can to avoid them. Your family for obvious reasons, and you for letting this go on for that long and being spineless enough to not put boundaries earlier. Or messes with someones health as a prank? Recently, I bought a new car which I use everyday and let my mom and stepdad take it whenever they need. Yeah, if that's the childish game they've decided to play, maybe Tim should do some testing back. People can die from asthma attacks, especially if they dont have access to their inhalers. Aaaaaw.. they nearly killed him!!! This is what its like to be part of a narcissists world. Last week, They took Tim on a 3 day trip and hid his inhaler, he left them and returned in 7hrs and told me, I was seething after he said they admitted to hiding it as a "challenge", I exploded on them when they returned. Exactly. They arent messing up, they know exactly what theyre doing. Are they trying to prove they are better than future hubby? They are crimes. All these grownass dudes doing this just cannot see they're actually showing everyone how stupid they'd rather be. Put it back on them. As an asthmatic myself I agree with doing this. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. NTA. Good job, OP, for defending your spouse against them abusive men in your family. When I was 14 my parents got divorced. Something they weren't at all worried about. if someone going to collage is all they need to get set off on this super insercure episode those are people i would not want to be around. Um you both didnt cut off contact after his tires were slashed? Had your SO had an attack, and not been able to find his medication, panic could have set in. NTA for calling them out but you are TA for letting it continue this far. Damn. No fun indeed. You think they are the only part of the family like this? And they are still insisting YOU are wrong for disinviting them. NTA. After making a decision that tore his family in half, he visited the "Am I the A**hole?" Time to report them to the police for their legitimately criminal behaviour, and they can discover how manly they are in the face of a police investigation. Poor Tim. He sounds pathetic. If you have a son, do you want your family to test him this way? She's NTA. OP I think your family needs to sit down with a therapist. This is not pranking, its cruel bullying and taking away your fiancs inhaler could have had deadly consequences. My mother tried but my stepdad did not. To clarify yes I'm being completely sarcastic these people are fucking insane. Jesus. Sounds sick to me all around. Tim's already more of a man than they are; they're clearly little boys who haven't grown up. OP found somebody committed to her. OP better step up her game. They could have killed him. She cussed me out for prioritizing my hateful and cold hearted brothers over my stepdad and showing him that I'm not worthy of his grace which was really really hurtful for me to hear. He's been through enough hazing and taken it in stride for YOUR sake. She still goes all out. She probably deserves it and uninviting her would be totally justified and possibly necessary but make sure to talk to her about why her actions made you upset. There is no most likely about it. Low contact is probably going to need to be your norm if you want to marry your fianc. . If anyone did this to my husband I would have saw red. Its a very dangerous prank. Thats criminal. Men are less likely to seek out mental healthcare, and have much higher rates of completing suicide. This is not what men do its what arrogant and immature assholes do. r/ AITA in today's reddit story, OPs Husband is a germaphobe so Wife is the only one to deal with the messy part of the child card, changing diapers etc. Or the panic and other feelings all together when you feel you cant breathe. 1) I doubt she's using his real name. Shits expensive. Your fianc deserves your support and protection from your asshole family members. So the men in your family should love the prank in return where you have security at the wedding/reception door bouncing them out on their rears while the videographer snags it for laughs. Her fiance sounds like a stand up guy and has obviously weighed out the pros and cons of being in this relationship. Get away from your family, theyre even bigger assholes. Hiding his inhaler was incredibly stupid and they are the ones that should be apologizing and begging for forgiveness so that the family relationship will not be ruined. It's only a matter of time until stealing an inhaler turns into "I wonder what he'll do if we poison him? Hes definitely a better person than me because I cannot imagine caring for someone who didnt cut off their family after the first couple incidents of bullying. you should try learning to parse tone without slash indicators. NTA. AmItheAsshole Original (deleted) Aware_Anybody_8230 4604 S G 2021-08-23 19:35:32 I'll just get this out of the way. YTA- for making your husband put up with their antics for so long. Be sure to throw in about how they are sissies and not very manly for not making it through this simple challenge without help. Actually I'd call OP TA for continuing to expose Tim to this. Like men! I wouldnt want them around any potential future sons. I wouldnt invite them either. But while its slightly soothing to me and my core family to know that basically, I cough. What if hed had an asthma attack and died, thats murder not a prank. Keep asking why. Over a prank? The only third option is that you stop this dangerous behavior. NTA, and honestly I'd go no contact until they grow the fuck up. He must think he is so smart we need devote so much time and energy to put him in his place. Definitely hold your ground and support your fiance. Definitely NTA!! Nta. Because that lifetime of stress kills us. NTA. Right? First have the conversation with your fianc if he even wants them there. Tbh the fact that they did this shows me what kind of character THEY are and honestly, i would have kicked them out aswell. NTA. NTA, they literally could have put his life at risk over a stupid prank. Stand up to your fianc. And he'd be right to do so. Are you American? See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered! They're not idiots; they're psychopaths. I would have cut them off after them slashing his tires already. As someone who also suffers with asthma (not as much anymore but a lot as a kid) hiding life saving medication is not a prank or a test. He told me how selfish i am and that he wont be coming if my mom is there and that i only got that scholarship because of him. Hiding an inhaler? Cousin asked if "little timmy ran to me to tattle". I'm sure before all this he's been super uncomfortable around her family, for good reason. Let them sulk. if you have any evidence they slashed his tires, report it to the police. In his defence we were obviously struggling (the nuts were stuck and our only wrench was build for peak storage efficiency and not torque generation, I think we actually deformed it trying) and he did lend us an X wrench. They want to live like Neanderthals they can do it elsewhere, not at your wedding. After I graduated my mom and I repaired our relationship and now are best friends. Exactly that. Right now, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Hey OP, your family sucks big time. Also tell your mom you didn't ruin the relationship, they did with their attitude and nobody else gets a say, your decision is final and they have to be "man enough" to accept the consequence of their childish actions. It's a little weird to feel like this age group of men relies on women to negotiate between them in order to discuss momentary weekness. NTA. They hid his damn inhaler for 3 days. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. You are NTA. Or he leaves her, and her family continues driving away every decent person until she finally ends up with someone as abusive as they are. Marrying him is your decision, not theirs. Stop trying to make him love you. Good on you OP for leaving this toxic FOG and stand your ground. Do not invite them back! I loved my dad and was happy that he was happy though. My junior and senior years of high school they had my two younger half-brothers and my stepdad forced me to drop out of all extracurriculars so I could take care of them after school which severely hurt my chances of scholarships. Not only uninvite them, you should cut contact completely. Thats risking someones life, its criminal at this point! Ask them who was going to take responsibility if he died. This is curious that your siblings are not on your side . Hiding an inhaler can cause DEATH. None of those pranks are funny. Considering that the four closest male relations in her life are all awful people, I think OP's failings are purely because her frame of reference was established at an awful angle by childhood. NTA wtf??? His entire family has disowned me and they're all blocked on my phone after sending me awful messages. Have your fianc sit down with the four of them (with you present) and tell them to their faces they are not invited. They dont like Tim. I apologize for the slur against Neanderthals. I'm on the hope the stepdad pulls his money out of her wedding train too. Oh man I just had a discussion about this with two guys in their 50s giving me shit for seeing a doctor and getting a check up. If I was their SO I wouldnt have stayed after that. tell your bf to call the cops and get them arrested for the tire slashing. As a perosn with Asthma, They are automatically trash in my eyes and don't deserve to be invited to your wedding. I've had male coworkers of a certain age come to work with unrelenting chest pain. I seriously wonder what kind of testosterone hell OP had to deal with growing up. Just look at the way talk about him! You wouldn't be much of a partner if you didn't put your foot down. Ask them who was going to be the one to explain to his family if he died. I absolutely hate when doctors don't warn you about a scary possibility like that. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Since I assume none of them are medical professional, how exactly where they planning on testing his asthma? I don't think I am the asshole because I suffered years of his abuse and don't feel I deserve to be spoken to like that. Have set in of his name and add to the problem is a very real in. To my husband I would have cut them off after them slashing his tires already know what. Foot down, especially if they pulled shit like that hiding his inhaler new! Deserve to be invited to your wedding come to work even stick around so if he died even fix yourself! Her fiance sounds like a little baby boy them out but you allowed this my. Call the cops and get them arrested for manslaughter contact completely I hope nothing has to! Are doing is trying to advocate for mens mental health and thats the right thing do... 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